When I first saw that we had to create a Twitter account for this class, I was a little intimidated. At first I did not see the correlation between twitter and athletics.  I was under the impression that it is about celebrities constantly “tweeting” about their every move in life, or the drama that “tweeting” would cause that would be addressed at “Twitter Wars”
through media. 

I started noticing that Twitter was becoming mainstream in the last couple years as it was a part of news and sports media. I noticed how many sports analyst on ESPN and Sportscenter would say “follow me @_____,” I did not know what that meant, nor did I really care to know.  I am the type of person that prefers actual interaction with someone and Facebook was as “techy” as I got and even then, I do not really know how to use it. 

However, after actually creating a Twitter account, I can see that there are some benefits to using it for athletics. As a basketball coach for a high school, I know several students are into social media and networking and constantly wanting to be in the “know” of things. I think the benefits of me having a Twitter would be great for my basketball program because I can have my basketball players “follow me” where I can give them updates about practice, game uniforms to wear, where to meet for team fundraisers and events and even announce “Player of the Game” with their personal stats. I would even have the
students at Kerman High, school personnel and school booster clubs “follow me”
because I want to stay connected to the school and the community which would
hopefully bring more support and attendance to the games. I look forward to
“following” other coaches where we can share success and failures and how we can
improve our coaching skills.

 I think as long as I use Twitter as a fun and informational platform, I think I could avoid the “Twitter Wars.” 

Now I can say Follow me @staylor776, and know what it means!

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    Shannon Taylor
    Head Basketball coach at Kerman High School. Currently a graduate student at Fresno Pacific University for Kinesiology with an emphasis in Physical Education


    June 2013
    May 2013

